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When I first called Living Water I was nervous and uncertain but the gentleman on the phone had a calming voice and was very patient to walk me through the process of getting the right help I needed. I was a heroin addict for years and had lots of shame for where addiction took me. I walked by this place that said counseling with a nice new bright office. I went in and asked to speak with someone who explained some things about addiction and it made me feel hopeful. He referred me to another office around the corner that offered medicine that helped me get off heroin and I continued to work with both places for a solid recovery. I overcame many things in therapy and gained important information needed to overcome my problems and addiction. I can only say that Living Water was the beginning a new life. I still go there for support and am almost done with my suboxone treatment. these two organizations work well together and really care. I am 20 months clean. Thanks Living Water.


New lease on life

Where do I begin.....when I came to Frank in Dec of 2012, I was mired in a life of addiction (non-chemical), lying, and selfish living. My marriage of almost 20 years was hanging on by the smallest of threads. A year and a half later, with weekly counseling by Frank, and the return to my faith in Jesus Christ, my life has done a 180. My marriage, which is far from perfect, is the strongest it has been in 20 years, my walk with Christ is better than ever and my children have seen a transformation which is short of miraculous. Frank's unique ability to combine empathy, listening skills, God's Word, ART therapy and no-nonsense, non enabling communication, has helped me change my life and rid myself of the sin weaved so deeply in my prior life. I will always be thankful for his role in my and my family's life. Living Water has been a Godsend! Thank you Frank! JR


New Man

Good afternoon After being discharged from alcohol outpatient rehab, I saw several clinicians and therapists before ending up in Frank Wotton's office. I have never felt more supported or challenged by any therapist the way Frank pushed me to better myself. I would recommend him to anyone who wants an honest, engaging, and growth-oriented warrior to work with to make life better. Frank broke me down, helped me organize the pieces, and worked with me to build me into a stronger man than I thought possible. Thank you for everything. respectfully Dana G. AKA "Gus"

Dana G

I've been coming here for about 5 years and I've had nothing but exceptional services ! Since I've been coming here my mental health and health have improved tremendously and keeping me clean and sober now for over ten years ! Also alway super helpful from the front desk to the doctors !! Thanks for all the help and support lets go for another 10 years clean !!

Christopher Filippone

I'am glad to say that Living Waters Counseling Center at 94 Suffolk in Holyoke has been the best damn counseling agency i have ever known. They have helped me and my fiance alot in just a short period of time a month to be exact. I greatly reccommend anyone who is seeking psychiatric or mental help to contact Living Waters Counseling Center that they will help you 100%. You will not regret your choice and i promise you your time will not be wasted. This is the most help i have ever gotten in my 30 years of having a mental disability. Give it a try and join Living Waters Counseling.


Gracias Living Water Counseling Center por brindar Esperanza a los que lo necesitan. La primera vez que llame a Living Water me encontraba nerviosa, apenada e insegura, pero la persona que contesto la llamada tenia una voz calmante y con mucha paciencia me guio por el proceso de encontar la ayuda nesesaria para mi. Todas las personas con las que he hablado me han tratado amablemente, positivamente y sin prejuicios. El personal siempre te reciben con una gran sonrisa y siempre son repetuosos y profecionales. Siempre que abro las puertas de LWCC, automaticamente siento una sensacion de calma, felicidad y positivismo. Gracias por hacer mi situacion un poco mas facil de sobre llevar. Mi vida empezo hacer buena desde que hice la llamada soy feliz y no se como mas agradecerles por ser una parte muy importante en mi nueva etapa de la vida. Las personas deben saber que la llamada inicial es la mas dificil pero luego se siente como que te quitaron un gran peso de encima. Un paso a la vez.


Miss Miracle

Thank you Living Water Counseling Center for bringing hope to those in need. When I first called Living Water I was nervous, ashamed and uncertain but the person on the phone had a calming voice and was very patient to walk me through the process of getting the right help I needed. Everyone I've talked to has been kind, non-judgmental and positive. The staff always welcomes you with a big smile and they are always polite and professional. Every time I open the door to LWCC, I automatically feel a calm, happy and a positive sensation. Thank you for making my situation a lot easier, my life have been great since I made that call and I can't thank you all enough for been an important part of my new chapter in life.People should know that the initial phone call is the hardest. Then it feels like a big weight is lifted. Make that move. One step at a time.


Miss Miracle

Omar Faruk,MD.MRO has recommended your work as LICSW; LADC I, CEO at Living Water Counseling Center, Inc.. Dear Frank, "Some people possess an extraordinary power of healing, Frank is one of them. I had a privilege to share my patients for his couseling service. Addiction is an incurable disease but when ever I had patients who have been seeing Frank they did very well. Frank is an ethical and a very professional therapist. I have enjoyed working with him. I strongly recommend Frank Wotton for addiction counseling."

Omar Faruk, MD. MRO

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