Living Water Counseling Center
476 Appleton St, Suite 2
Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040
Phone: (413) 315-3194 Email: Fax: (413) 322-8404
Our History
LWCC was inspired by a diverse group of professional individuals in the Pioneer Valley with concerns of the shortage of clinical professionals and organizations specializing in co-occurring mental health and substance abuse needs. A specific social problem was identified as the growing opioid crisis in this and surrounding communities.
The founder of LWCC, Frank H. Wotton III, had been collaborating with Doctors and organizations that pioneered Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) for opioid dependence and other addictions for two years until opening in 2012, learning the science of treating such needs with a partial agonist agent (Suboxone) and full antagonist agent (Naltrexone) treatments. In 2009 there were approximately 150 individuals treated with Suboxone in the greater Springfield area due to restrictions of 30 patients per provider and only a few providers. Frank Wotton’s private practice, Wotton, Desgres & Affiliates began to host frequent round table educational forums sponsored by the manufacturer of Suboxone as a marketing mechanism to promote and introduce the concept of this being an office based alternative to the traditional and restrictive opioid treatment, a full agonist agent (Methadone), that will prove to be a better controlled and less complex system than methadone.
The opioid crisis continued to grow along with co-morbid mental health and medical problems. Recognition of rising demands and pain management getting abused and the comparable low cost of heroin created a heroin epidemic that prompted legislature to approve 100 patients per certified doctor, at which time it was lucrative for providers to pursue and within 1 year thousands of people were in need of counseling as it is mandatory with suboxone programs.
LWCC is a holistic recovery model that embraces development of mind, body and spirit that respectfully serves these marginalized populations as well as families and children. Addiction is de-stigmatized by this holistic model and people with addictions are identified as having a medical condition that can be successfully treated. LWCC was licensed by Massachusetts Department of Public Health in August 2013 and continues to grow and hold to its compassionate mission of serving the underserved with dignity. Our mission is unique and our reputation maintains a strong level of integrity.