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"Recovery Road" 12-Week Drug and Alcohol Group

RECOVERY ROAD is a support group based on twelve principles for the development of survival skills and logical thinking.

1. "If you want to quit, there is no time to lose" - An introduction session. 

2. "Quitting drugs, easier than learning the habit of living clean and sober" - The medical

explanation and the concept of personal responsibility. 

3. "The past, the environment, the responsibility" - Your life as a whole.

4. "A+S=R: Abstinence + Sobriety = Recovery" - A piece of mind formula.

5. "You need skills to make good decisions, for the wrong ones you need none" - Part I: Rational

Survival Skills: Vigilance, Intuitive Judgment.

6. "You need skills to make good decisions, for the wrong ones you need none" - Part II:

Self-Confidence, Control of your Emotions, Disposition to take Risks.

7. "Bad habits/Good habits" - Changing toward a new lifestyle.

8. "Do not feel guilty when the craving comes" - Applying the Rational Survival Skills.

9. "Can I change?" - Meditating on our personality.

10. "Acts vs. Occurrences" - Responsibility vs. Non-Responsibility.

11. "What is my problem" - Asking the right question. Instead of asking yourself: What's wrong

with me?, ask: What am I doing wrong?

12. "Making high risk decisions fast" - Applying the new ethical lifestyle.

13. "Living a new lifestyle of sobriety" - Building a new ethical belief system.

14. "If you want to quit, there is no time to lose, all you need is one step at the time" - An

evaluation session.

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